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  Native species control
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The comments presented are from interested people wishing to express their views, pass on information, and participate in discussion on various environmental issues.  Their comments are not necessarily the opinion of TerraNature, and may not represent a position TerraNature takes.

Native species control

Related Articles:
New Zealand ecology: Flightless birds, weka
Weka bludgeoned in bloody cull,
New Zealand Herald, 15 Sept 2003

The Department of Conservation should be ashamed.  Rounding up and clubbing birds to death is the most barbaric act imaginable.  I thought hitting animals over the head stopped when seal hunting ended in the 19th century.  If DOC has to control the number of weka, they could at least do it in a humane way.
Sarah Roberts, Wellington  17 January 2004

I was shocked to learn from the TerraNature web site that the Department of Conservation killed 400 weka in the Chatham Islands last year.  What is DOC doing?  Protection of critically endangered taiko and Chatham Islands oystercatcher is necessary, but killing weka is not justified when they can be moved to another location.  DOC has done an excellent job of translocating many other birds.  Why can't Buff weka from the Chatham Islands be moved back to their original South Island home where they are extinct?
Tommy Delgado, Christchurch  17 January 2004

Miscellaneous topics

Independently initiated

Mainland Islands
I was delighted to see in the NELSON MAIL newspaper, that there is a proposal to develop, or perhaps it better to say, to allow it to happen, a mainland island in the Brook Valley area of Nelson.  These "islands" are growing in number and it is most encouraging.  This makes me confident that TerraNature's intention to establish another such island of considerable size is worthwhile work indeed.  I feel obliged to express in this forum, ie: the encouragement of public comment on environmental issues of global significance, my accolades for the depth and quality of information.  It should be of great value to a broad range of people, including those wanting to learn more and to those with public concern.  I look forward to the information and the subjects keeping on expanding, and to an interesting dialogue from everyone that participates.
Gary Randorf, Nelson, New Zealand and Essex, New York  17 January 2004

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Photo Credit -  Center top: NASA    Center second from top: Wheat field and Richmond Range, Nelson,
permission Virtual New Zealand    Center third from top: Northern royal albatross by permission, Dennis
Buurman, Ocean Wings    Right second from top: Wheat, Ian Britton Copyright ©

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